Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Teaching Writing to Young Learners
Being given the task to write sentences or paragraph, children often find it frustrating. They may not be able to put their thoughts together in the form of a paragraph or short composition coherently. Actually, children enjoy experimenting with writing and putting their ideas down on paper. Therefore, as their teacher, you should be able to create activities that help them develop their writing skills without being frustrated.

The process of teaching writing

The process begins by thinking about what is going to be written. You should choose a topic that is suitable with their interest. Then you should collect ideas both formally and informally. For example, Going to the Zoo is the chosen topic. You can give the students one or more passages about the animals that they can find in the zoo. They can collect ideas to be written next in their writing. If you want to make it informally, you can just give questions asking about their basic knowledge of those animals. You can write down the result of the discussion on the board so that they will be able to develop it using their own sentences. The final step is to publish, to put the ideas into a form which can be formally shared with others: a composition. The final stages emphasizes the product – the result of all of the previous steps and follows to the rules of standard spelling and grammar.

You need to focus not only on the final product but also on all aspects of the process. For the process of revising, you don't need to be the only person to give students feedback. Besides learning to revise on their own, their classmates can help the students revise. However, at this stage, most teachers do review their students' work. One thing that you need to pay attention is that your comment should focus on the content, not the grammatical and spelling errors. Children need to know what ideas or organization they should keep, as well as what they should change (Linse, 2001). Don't forget to give them praises.

For the process of publishing, you can make a classroom board where you can publish their writing. It will make them proud and encourage them to write more and more. You can ask them to decorate the board with pictures they draw or taken from magazines.

posted by Ellen @ 3:49 AM  
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Name: Ellen
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